Hazel Lanes Landscapes

Hazel Lanes
Landscape Information Sources

The Landscape Committee hopes the following fact links will be helpful.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Weekly Newsletter. Scroll down to Nursery and Landscape Report

Ohiio State Factsheets
Numerous DFactsheets

University of Guelph Factsheets
Numerous Fact Sheets

Ohio State University Factsheet Topicss
Black Walnut toxicity.
Fall Webworm.
Japanes Beetle.
Tent Caterpillar.
Viburnum Beetle
Cedar in the Landscape.
Cytospora Canker of Spruce

Cornell University Factsheet Topics
Tar Spots of Maple
Bark Splitting
Canker on Ornamental Trees

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Life Factsheets
Black Medick
Crab Grass
Creeping Charlie
Lawn Maintenance
Lawn Renovation
Putting Your Lawn To Bed For Winter
White Clover
Wild Mustard

University of Guelph Factsheet Topics
Cytospora Canker of Spruce
Diplodia blight of Pines
Pests and Diseases of Norway Maple

City of London Information
Pesticide Information
Water Restrictions

Please let your Landscape Committee know if you have other suggested links or if you would like the committee to find additional information