Use the links in the text, or in the menu bars above and below, to access all kinds of information about Hazel Lanes and its residents. You may also want to look at the
Hazel Lanes website map
- Review the history of Hazel Lanes and its predecessor condominium corporations
- Refer to the rules and bylaws used to manage Hazel Lanes, including general policies and procedures which describe the philosophies established by the Board
- Access the complete contact information for each resident of Hazel Lanes, including e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and emergency contact details
- Look at a map of Hazel Lanes
- How is Hazel Lanes organized, who serves on the the Board of Directors and its committees at Hazel Lanes
- Check out upcoming events (i.e. annual events such as the BBQ)
- Here is a summary of the routine activities (.e. weekly actvities such as Aquafit)
- Review the latest news about Hazel Lane residents , even a bit of gossip
- Browse through a collection of photos from recent Hazel Lanes events
- Here is what is going on at the pool this season
- Do you need to link up with the property manager or one of firms maintaining the complex; landscape maintenance, snow removal, irrigation, etc
- Having trouble finding a plumber, handy man, window washer? Take a look at tradespeople used by others in the condominium complex
- Download forms to get permission to change your garden, etc
- Check out Frequently Asked Questions to find our what your neighbors are asking about
Kindly contact the
webmaster, to report any errors, new information or broken links.
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