Hazel Lanes FAQ=

Hazel Lanes
Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a selection of questions received:

Who do I call about snow removal issues?
You can check out the Snow Removal web page to see the performance standards for snow removal. If there is a problem, then call our Property Manager, Phil Nagle.

I want to stain my deck, what do I need to do?
Hazel Lanes has a NEW standard for deck preservatives. The intent of the standard is to maintain all decks in their natural state. If an owner wants to apply a preservative, only a clear, colourless wood preservative may be used AND you must first speak with Property Manager, Phil Nagle. to get approval. Tinted or coloured preservatives, stains and paints are not permitted.

I want to plant a tree or change the garden at my unit, what do I need to do?
You will need to complete Landscape Modification Request so that the Landscape Committee can ensure that your neighbors and our landscape maintenance and irrigation contractors are not impacted and that the varieties and location are appropriate. Consult the Landscape Planting Policy for information. You can also contact Frank Kearney Chair of the Landscape Committee.

What do I do when my outdoor garage or coach light burns out?
Call the property management office to request a replacement bulb. Huntington Properties will put your unit number on the list and your bulb will be replaced the next time the worker is in the area. We are now using energy efficient bulbs (warm white) which we would suggest you use in the fixture over your front door as well.

How does the Provinces Pesticide ban affect me?
In three words, a great deal. There will be weeds throughout the grassed areas in the complex - TLC will be able to mow them, but it will be difficult to keep the weeds from slowly becoming more evident. Individual owners will have to pull the weeds, if they wish. Shrubs attacted by sawfly each year (such as Mugho Pine), trees and shrubs favoured by Japanese beetle, leaf hopper and similar pests, will, over time, struggle and will have to be replaced with other varieties. Condo fees will surely rise to pay for replacement plants. Your Landscape Committee is looking into ways that pest issues can be minimized. The province has also banned the use of Roundup by maintenance firms such as TLC to kill weeds in pavers.

How secure is the Hazel Lanes website?
While there is no such thing as infallible security, our website is password protected and is coded as not to be listed with any search engines. Only Hazel Lanes residents and senior managers at three contractors know the password and the website "address". If the webmaster suspects a security breach, he will change the password. You may wish to also check the Hazel Lanes Privacy Policy

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