Hazel Lanes is professionally managed by Huntington Properties on behalf of the Board of Directors. Phil Nagle and his team take care of overseeing maintenance, finances, etc. Huntington Properties is located at Suite 201, 747 Hyde Park Road, London N6H 3S3.
Huntington Properties, in turn, works with two principal suppliers, Tender Lawn Care and MacKenzie Irrigation for landscape maintenance, snow removal and irrigation management. In addition, there is a whole group of smaller contractors covering the gamut from painters to pool maintenance. To make all this work smoothly, Huntington acts like a puppeteer, co-ordinating committees of the Hazel Lanes Board of Directors (Landscape, Pool, etc.) and various contractors. General guidance comes from the Board and its committees - Huntington Properties takes care of execution.
Irrigation system start up, irrigation system shut down and adjustment of irrigation heads are handled by the irrigation contractor. The irrigation contractor adjusts heads in the irrigation season by grouping the requests received by the Property Manager into specific times. Irigation requests should be directed to Phil Nagle, the Propety Manager. Requests for for repair to irrigation lines broken by a resident must be paid for by the resident.
Maintenance of the landscape where Hazel Lanes is responsible should not require contact with Tender Lawn Care; problems should be directed to Frank Kearney, Chair of the Landscape Committee. See the Rules and Policies section of this website for more information about your own landscaping.Phil Nagle, the Property Manager
Snow removal and drainage issues should not require contact with Tender Lawn Care; problems should be directed to Phil Nagle, the Property Manager
From time to time, residents ask for a recommendation for tradespeople to (say) fix a broken window. Similarly, a resident may want landscape services beyond those paid for by Hazel Lanes. Click here to find a list of tradespeople