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Hazel Lanes Photo Gallery - Pool Tournament

Hazel Lanes
Pool Tournament Photos

Snooker Tournament Final Game and Celebration 2012

Tim Zuber with runner up, Brian Vaughan
Good conversation
Howard Isaacs
Tim Zuber with runner up, Brian Vaughan
Good conversation - pool is the excuse
Howard Isaacs sets things up
Doug Beaton, Laurie Tuttle, Tim Zuber, Bala Balkristnan
Bala Balkristnan
Beth Girvan, Howard Isaacs, Brian Vaughan
Doug Beaton, Laurie Tuttle, Tim Zuber, Bala Balkristnan
Bala Balkrisnan is ready
Beth Girvan, Howard Isaacs, Brian Vaughan - love those shorts

Thank you Lois Leatham for the photos

Snooker Tournament Final Game and Celebration 2010

Brian Vaughan Howard Isaacs
Tim Zubber Howard Isaacs
Howard Isaacs
The winner, Howard Isaacs
Top dogs - Howard Isaacs Tim Zuber
The winning form
Alan McLachlan Doug Beaton
Jean Keith John Bisset Ken Keith and Vicki Bisset
Susan Isaacs Mardi McLachlan Linda Vaughan
Alan McLachlan Doug Beaton enjoying the final
Jean Keith John Bisset Ken Keith and Vicki Bisset enjoying the moment
Susan Isaacs Mardi McLachlan Linda Vaughan having a good time
Vicki Bisset, Mardi McLachlan, Linda Vaughan and Shawne Murphy
the 2011 group
Tim Zuber Laurie Tuttle
Vicki Bisset, Mardi McLachlan, Linda Vaughan and Shawne Murphy enjoying the final
Linda Vaughan, Shawne Murphy, Brian Vaughan, Alan McLachla, Mardi McLachlan, Howard Isaacs, Frank Capitano
Tim Zuber Laurie Tuttle feeling the pressure

Thank you Susan Isaacs for the photos

Snooker Tournament Final Game and Celebration 2009

Brian Vaughan
Tim Zubber Howard Isaacs
John Bisset, Frank Capitano, Alan McDonald, Doug Beaton
Brian Vaughan going for the big shot
Tim Zuber and Howard Isaacs
The "crowd"
Ross Armstrong and Bala Balakrishnan
Tim Zuber, Susan Isaacs
Brian Vaughan
Shawne Murphy and Laurie Tuttle enjoying the final
Susan Isaacs and Tim Zuber haming it up
Brian Vaughan announcing the results

Snooker Tournament Final Game and Celebration 2007

Tony Webster
Tim Zubber
Bala Balakrishnan
Tony Webster going for the "kill" as Brian Vaughan lies in wait
The Champ - Tim Zuber
Bala contemplates the shot
Ross Armstrong and Bala Balakrishnan
Bill Johnson, Ellie Armstrong and Lois Leatham
Margaret Goodlet
Ross Armstrong and Bala enjoying the final
Bill Johnson, Ellie Armstrong and Lois Leatham enjoying the moment
Margaret Goodlet was so excited, she to sit down