Hazel Lanes Bridge Hand

Hazel Lanes
Social Bridge

The Social Bridge Group is a non-competitive, mixed bridge league, centered on meeting and getting to know others in the complex (or who once lived in the complex). Bridge skill and bridge scores are secondary to having a fun time.

The Social Bridge Group convenors draw up a schedule whereby each couple (or pair) in the Mixed Social Bridge Group plays eight games of sixteen hands each. Games are played at mutually agreed upon times between October 1 and April 30. Each couple (or pair) hosts four games and is hosted for four games. Typically, bridge is accompanied by dessert, snacks, coffee and / or a celebratory sip of wine, beer or alcohol.

Each couple (or pair) contributes $20 to cover the cost of prizes. Be sure to contact Beth Girvan by September 15th if you would like to play. An optional wine party closed out the season. Take a look at the photos from last year's banquet.

The annual closing cocktail party for the Social Bridge Group is typically held in June; it is a delightful time with good wine, hors d'oeuvres and conversation. See the Upcoming Events page for details.